All of us have had those nights when sleep looks impossible. The brain can’t stop, the thoughts can’t settle and sleep is nowhere to be found. But are you aware that sleep is not just for relaxation, sleep is a need for all of us?

The Importance of Sleep for Human Health

You can equate sleeping to putting a reset button on your system every night. During each sleep event, the body does not stop as the brain is busy with memory storage, managing feelings, and carrying out healing tasks. It is also the time for the body to heal, recuperate and energize.

The Physiology of Sleep

The phenomenon of sleep consists of several sequential stages: light sleep, deep sleep and REM sleep. All of the above is extremely important for our health. Deep sleep is the phase during which physical body maintenance takes place. REM sleep is the stage during which information previously acquired is reinforced and new skills are mastered.

Ways to Ensure a Good Nights Sleep

Make a Bedtime Routine That Will Help You Settle In Ready To Go To Bed:

  • Determine a specific time of which you will get to bed and stick to it to train your body on when to expect sleep.
  • Take part in relaxing activities such as reading, warm baths, or meditation.
  • Don’t engage in anything that is exciting like watching TV or using gadgets before sleeping.

Make Adjustments To Where You Sleep:

  • Design a peaceful sleep environment. The bedroom should be kept dark, quiet, and at a low temperature.
  • Buy a high-quality mattress, cushions, and beddings.
  • Place an eye mask or use black out blinds to prevent entrance of brightness.

Watch What You Eat And Drink:

  • Do not eat heavy meals, caffeinate drinks and take alcohol before you sleep.
  • Drink plenty of water during the day but do not overdo it in the evening hours.

Avoid Stress:

  • Try to control stress levels with breathing, meditation, yoga and other physical activities.
  • You can save the overload of stress by writing on a diary or talking with someone you trust.

Minimize the use of screens:

  • One of the primary reasons why screen time before going to bed is not advisable is due to the blue light wave emitted from the screens which is said to affect sleep patterns. Refrain from the use of electronic devices at least one hour before going to bed.

Engage In Physical Activities:

  • Aerobic exercise is known to promote better sleep but doing extensive vigorous workouts very late in the night is not advisable. If Sleep issues become chronic, seek the intervention of a medical expert to exclude any pathological causes.

The Importance Of Sleep Further Than Restoration

Sleep is a great modifier of health and promotes other positive well-being factors. Sleep can help improve your mood and will also boost your attentiveness and your imagination. Therefore, it is advisable that you make sleep a priority and give your body the rest it requires.

Good night sleep!